„frenetic applause and standing ovations“
„songs with a great potential to linger in your mind“
„a well-designed book, a star cast and an excellent production“
„intelligent and dramatically interesting“
„first-class musical signature“
„catchy, atmospheric songs. Rocky pirate songs combined with moving ballads“
Die Welt
„the two plots intertwine to form a wonderful adventure which captivated the audience and totally convinced the members of the press who were present“
„Regie, Choreografie, Bühnenbild, Kostüme und Videoanimationen greifen wie Zahnräder ineinander und funktionieren im Zusammenspiel ganz hervorragend“
„Rasante Choreografie“
„Erstklassiger Cast“
„Spannend, stringent und sehenswert“
Dominik Lapp
„it was a brilliant idea of the musical-makers to mix his biography together with the adventure story“
Giessener Allgemeine
„a gem in the field of entertainment“
„superb cast“
„many scenes are bursting with humour“
Fuldaer Zeitung
„Entertainment that reaches deeper “
Marktkorb Fulda
„The production team’s brilliant narration is underpinned by Dennis Martin’s wonderful music“
„touching ballads and captivating songs for the full ensemble“
Blickpunkt Musical edition 78
„great, entertaining, action-packed performance“;
„fantastic performers and excellent music“
FFH.de 17.7
„the leading singers’ performances were highly acclaimed“
„a successful production“
t-online.de (dpa) 18.7
„stage direction, choreography, stage design, costumes and video animation run together like cogs, producing a wonderful interaction of all the elements“
„Exciting, enthralling and well worth seeing“
„powerful original book – action musical“
musicals edition 175
„Treasure Island - the Musical ”cleverly combines the real biography of the author Robert Louis Stevenson with his successful novel 'Treasure Island' on the fictitious level.“
„At the end the delighted audience, that had been thrilled by the stage action from the very start, gave a long standing ovation “
musical Cocktail (Austria) Edition 118